Building Brighter Futures:
Help us Build a School!
We have seen the need for quality education in Kenya, and we're responding. Help us empower children through education and God's love.
In 2020 we purchased land, broke ground, and built 4 classrooms, office space, bathrooms, volunteer housing, an underground water storage tank and a biodigestor.
Our goal is to complete Phase 2 in 2021:
- Build 4 additional classrooms
- Build an additional block of bathrooms
- Purchase desks, desks, chairs, tables, and other classroom furnishings
- Finish roads and sidewalks inside school compound
- Build kitchen for cooking school meals
- Build teacher housing
Total cost for Phase 2= $178,000
Proposed Plan:
*Purchase land in Nanyuki, Kenya
*Build a K-8 school on the land; move all existing programs there
*Increase the number of children we serve by 150+
*Provide quality education and safe boarding facility for children in need
*Train Kenyan teachers in literacy and hands-on learning instruction
*Construct housing for hosting mentor teachers from the U.S.
Create a Facebook fundraiser to help:
- Login to your Facebook account.
- On mobile, Click the Fundraisers button, and then click Create a Fundraiser. On desktop, click CREATE at the top of your screen and then click Fundraiser.
- FB will ask: Who are you raising money for? Click Nonprofit
- Type Grain of Rice Project into the search bar and select our logo.
- Add one of our photos and a description about our school fundraiser.
- Set a goal amount and an end date.